Welcome To PitLogic!
Click through the buttons to check out some of the main features that PitLogic has to offer for your race team!
• Store setups and notes
• Quickly access shock data
• Organize your tire inventory
• Log use on parts
• Use maintenance checklists
• Make accurate gear predictions
• Calculate fuel consumption
• Download race winning setups
Want to see more? Check out our video tutorials and social media, or download the app today to try it out yourself with our free 2-week trial.

PitLogic Setups allow you to record every aspect of your raceday easily and precisely.
Create sessions and store your data for each time out, track your changes, add in notes or pictures, make fuel calculations, use tools such as an angle finder, record the live weather with the press of a button, and much more!
We offer a lot of features with setups, and you can use as much or as little as you'd like. The Pick Fields to Show screen allows you to quickly customize your Setups experience and only see the data and tools you need.
Your new digital setup book helps you stay extra organized, with no more stacks of papers! Take advantage of our folders feature as well to sort by car, track, or anything of your choosing.
Do you carry a stack of shock sheets with you to the track? With PitLogic, you can have all of them on your phone for quick access and easy organization! Rather than flip through sheets you can just scroll on your phone, and then you also have them wherever you go.
Shock data in your PitLogic app also easily integrates with your setups, giving you accurate records of where you had the shocks set for each session. Whether you have 1 set of shocks or several, PitLogic helps keep your race team organized with your My Shocks inventory.
We also have a Shock Compare feature, which allows you to view 2 shock compression/rebound charts side by side. It's never been easier to figure out which shocks you want to run! Simply select a shock from your PitLogic shock inventory list to see the data in one of the columns, and compare it to any other shock you have.
The Gears feature in PitLogic can be used to download all of your gear charts, manage which gears you have in inventory, and make calculations for you!
Simply select the gears you're currently using and what RPM you want to run, and PitLogic will show you what gear changes to make. This can be used the opposite way as well, to predict what RPMs different gears will get you.
Build your inventory of gears in PitLogic by marking which gears you have, don't have, or have in lightweight, to easily track your available options. We currently have gear charts for sprint cars, midgets, quarter midgets, mini sprints, and more, with more to come soon. Message us if you'd like a chart we don't have available yet and we can easily add that for you!
PitLogic offers a digital checklist feature so you'll always have it in your pocket for quick reference, and items can be viewed and checked off LIVE from multiple devices with the team sync ability.
Simply create and share a code with team members to give them access. This is very helpful for shop nights, racedays, and especially times when not all of the crew members are working at the same time.
We have many checklists templates available for download, and you can easily modify those or make your own from scratch. Paper copies can also always be printed out if you'd like, with just a couple of clicks! These can be helpful if you'd like to hang a paper version in your shop, trailer, car, etc.
PitLogic Tires allows you to manage your complete tire inventory, so you can stay organized and make quick and informed decisions on what tires to run each session on track. The tire Pairs feature calculates stagger for you, and allows you to very easily see what stagger options you have available!
You can store as much info about your tires as you’d like, including sizing, wheel offset, compound, manufacturer, tire wear, date new, and laps.
Tires also integrates with Setups! In a setup you can simply select a stagger pair from your Tire Inventory list, which then auto-fills all of your sizing and wheel offset data into the setup session for you. If you record the number of laps run in the setup, then those laps will also get added to those tires in your inventory!
If you prefer a paper copy, Tire Pairs lists can also be made into a PDF and printed out with the press of just a couple of buttons.
Parts in PitLogic is used to store and keep track of all the parts in your team’s inventory, both on the car and spares. It’s a great way to stay organized, and always know what you have!
Any parts that can wear out are especially important to keep track of. In addition to all of the part’s standard information, you can store the number of laps, events, and condition so that you know when it’s time to change it out. This is also helpful if you need to change to a spare, so you quickly can make an educated choice of which one to pick.
Parts integrates with Setups, so that you can easily track the number of laps and events. Add parts to your setups like you would tires and shocks, and the number of laps in each session gets automatically added to the parts you’re using.
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additional features
Team Sharing

PitLogic offers a variety of features to allow race team members to work together from multiple devices. Easily share setups, shocks, and tire lists to a crew member, friend, or other trusted person with just the press of a button. Create your own secure passcode for them to download it with, and then it's available for them to get!
Checklists are also great for teams, and you can create a Synced Checklist that's updated LIVE by any of your team members it's shared with!
Print Hardcopies

PitLogic's in-app features take advantage of modern tech to help keep you best organized, but if you if you prefer paper copies or want a print out to hang up in the shop or trailer, we got you covered for that too!
Printing from PitLogic is quick and easy. Just hit the Create PDF button, and a print out formatted version is created for you.

Shock Data Requests

Having your shock data in PitLogic makes for quick access and easy organization! Enter in the rebound and compression numbers to create your chart, and then you have them with you at all times. To help with this, we also offer a Request Shock Data feature that allows you to get your data into PitLogic directly from your shock manufacturer. This helps save you time, rather than entering the data manually!
As with all data in PitLogic, shocks being sent are encrypted to ensure security and privacy, so you can only view your shocks while logged into your PitLogic account. This feature is new and is currently available for customers of Competition Suspension Inc, with more manufacturers to be added soon! Each shock request has a small price associated, for the manufacturer entering your data. Prices vary per company, currently $5 per shock.
Got a specific brand of shocks you'd like to see added? Tell them about PitLogic and let us know - we'd be happy to partner with them!

Coming Soon
Synced setups
Share setups with teammates, and be able to view and make changes LIVE from multiple devices.
PitLogic Teams
Create your own PitLogic team, and add team members to get everyone the same setups, shocks, tires, gears, checklists, and parts.
website access
Log in to your PitLogic account on our website, and view your all of your data online.
Parts notifications
Get notified when a part in your inventory nears or reaches its life expectancy.
Shock graphs
Download your shock graphs to keep with your shock data, or enter your data and have a graph drawn for you!
Pitlogic docs
Store notes that aren't part of a specific setup, or any other racing related documents and PDFs you want with you at the track.
And more... Stay tuned!